
Showing posts from April, 2018

John Forrest National Park - 12-11-2011

John Forrest National Park is one of Perth's Oldest Conservation Sites, first listed in 1898 it was named as John Forrest National Park in 1947, (Sir John Forrest was an Explorer, Statesmen and was Premier of Western Australia between 1890 and 1901). It is a good starting point for many walk trails as well as mountain bike trails (approved trails only), there is 2 waterfalls and and old tunnel plus a variety of flora and fauna. The picnic area has barbecues, picnic tables and toilets with plenty of shade, there is a nice little walk around the banks of Jane Brook, More information about John Forrest National Park can be found in the link below. John Forrest National Park We visited the park back in 2011 if I remember right, it is only a half hour drive from Perth and a great destination for a day trip, John Forrest Is also a part of the Family history On My Wife's side not a direct line but more like a 2nd or 3rd Cousin a few generations ago. We used to do a lot of day t

A Clean Slate

Hi all        You may have noticed that I have been neglecting my blog lately, the truth is I have lost my motivation and time has been an issue lately. My working hours have changed from afternoon shift to day shift, by the time I get home it is too late to do anything. I have wiped my blog clean and starting over again, I will still be using a lot of old content, I haven't decided on which way I will be going yet so any suggestions would be appreciated. The idea is to focus more on destinations where we have been over the years, with a little research on the areas I am focusing on and more focused on 1 area at a time instead of several in one post (work in progress at the moment), posts will be shorter but there will be more.       I am slowly going through my old photos from year to year and re-editing them, while I have been away from my blog behind the scenes I have been learning to edit and improve my photography, as I have been going through the archives I have seen many a