Thursday 10 August 2023

Blog update - getting out and about again

 Hi all I have neglected this blog for some time now and have decided to try get it updated and running again I have done quite a few Trips and been on few adventures with the family or myself  lately and have quite a few planned for the future, I have been spending a bit of time on Google Maps planing places to go and see and to photograph,  some of my recent trips I have will be added in the future with the publish date close to the date of trip itself, so it may get a bit confusing but hopefully they will be eventually be published in order of the dates the trips were completed automatically I will slowly go back through my photos and add the trips as I find them. 

Please Note some of the trails and places mentioned in this blog are currently closed or no longer exist so please take care when visiting places that still exist, to ensure that generations to come can enjoy them as well

Sunday 6 August 2023

South Dandalup, North Dandalup and Serpentine Dams Daytrip

 Tooday my wife and I decided to go for a drive down South visiting North and South Dandalup Dams and a drive through Serpentine Dam, we left home arou 10:30 am heading down the Freeway to Lakes road or first stop was at the Service Station to pick up some Food and Drinks, we then made our way to South Dandalup Dam where we stopped and had lunch,  then I went for a quick look around.

After a short stop I hopped back in the car and then we made our way to North Dandalup Dam, this is one of my favourite Dams to visit it has a nice picnic area close to the water with toilets and Barbecues plus there is usually a lot of birds flying around, unfortunately there wern't many today, so I had a bit of a wander around the picnic area thene we went for a drive over the dam.

We then Made our way towards Serpentine Dam stopping at the lookout on Kingsbury Drive, we didn't stop at Serpentine Dam as it was quite busy and we had to get home to pick up the daughter from work. Below is the view from the lookout

All Images are copyright Mark A.Gray

Daytrip to West Dale, Brookton, York on the hunt for Canola Fields and Wildflowers

      Today my wife Karen and I both had days off from work so we decided to do a trip to go and look for wildflowers and have a look at the...