Friday 14 April 2023

Daytrip to Meckerings Earthquake site

 Today the wife and I decided to go for a drive up to the old Meckering Townsite before the 1968 Earthquake that had destroyed the town, My wife had recently done a similiar trip with my daughter with some mystery shopping. Originally the plan was to got to Kellerberrin and back home, but we didn't end up going that far I think we got about 15km out of Kellerberrin and turned around taking a different route home. We headed of towards Meckering passing the Meckering Fault line and stopping at Meckering so we had a look at the old townsite now only the foundations remain in the old townsite and a short trail with signs telling you where everything was. The townsite now has been rebuilt in the same area and a lot bigger than it was in 1968. 

 As we left Meckering and headed towards Kellerberrin we stopped at Tammin for lunch at the roadhouse, we had our lunch and made our way towords Kellerberrin. We got about 15 km out of Kellerberrin and decided to turn around and go home taking a back road towards York , I spotted this old Building on the side of the road so I went to have a look around it turns out it was an old Police Outhouse built around 1866, now being looked after by a 4WD club.

I spent a good 15 mins having a look around before heading off again I came across another old building on the way, so I pulled over for a couple of snaps.

After driving for another 20 mins or so Came across Malbelling Hall. 

That was the last stop as it was getting late and we had a fair way to drive home . Todays trip was around 430km so it was a nice long drive. 

All images are Copyright Mark A. Gray


Daytrip to West Dale, Brookton, York on the hunt for Canola Fields and Wildflowers

      Today my wife Karen and I both had days off from work so we decided to do a trip to go and look for wildflowers and have a look at the...