
Showing posts from October, 2023

Quick Stop at Jarrahdale POW Camp

    Today was my day off, so I wanted to revisit the old homesite where I went last week to do a bit more detecting around there and check out another potential site for detecting , my first stop was and the mid to late 1800s site I swung the detector around for a couple of hours not getting much at all got some more building material a rather large U clamp or something which I brought home to clean up cause it was just so big never seen one like that before,  a couple more bottle tops and what looks to be a rusted key but it could just be building material again plus a couple what could be modern drawer handles on the surface made of glass but accidently broke one, I will post the finds another day haven't photographed them yet, there was also like a keyring when I first pulled it out it looked like and old ring then I cleaned it up a little and realized it wasn't.   (photo will be inserted here)    I left the site to check out another one I found on Google Earth but it looks

Sunset at Woodman Point

    After a days detecting out in the bush I wanted to get home for the Sunset at Woodman Point don't think I have ever been there for the Sunset yet. I haven't taken the camera out for a while it is usually with me went I go out exploring or detecting but I don't always get it out, we headed out for the sunset to a location at Woodman point where I don't recall going for the sunset before, I have been fishing from there when I was younger but hadn't taken the time to explore, I was on google earth the other day looking for a location to go detecting, and noticed a rocky sand bank on the other side going out to sea on the other side of woodman point must of been a reasonably low tide cause the pictures I had seen of this bank there was a lot more water on the banks of it then there was today,     We parked up and went for a walk lots of Kitesurfers around here which made for some interesting shots.    Here are a few from this trip A Tern with fresh catch just pulled

Out in the bush Detecting

    I have always wanted to get a Metal Detector and a few weeks ago I purchased a cheap one to get me started, so the thought was give it a go if I like it will get a better one in the future. The first day out with the detector was at the beach never found anything. a week or so later I recieved a drone from my wife for my birthday again it was a cheap one if I liked we will get a better one later. so I took it out to a local oval for some flying practice and went for a detect after, only found a few tent pegs and bottle tops and a couple ring pulls.    I have been doing some research and recieved my Miners rights, I  went for a drive out the bush where I believed there used to be and old mid to late 1800's homesite, I have been to the site years and years ago with the camera hoping to get some good bird shots and find some ruins, my first challenge today was finding the right track to get there after driving for nearly and hour trying to find it I finally found the track I am gl