More information about John Forrest National Park can be found in the link below.
John Forrest National Park
It is only a half hour drive from Perth and a great destination for a day trip, John Forrest Is also a part of the Family history on my wife's side not a direct line but more like a 2nd or 3rd Cousin a few generations ago.
We used to do a lot of day trips a few years ago, now we only go if time permits, the kids are a lot older now and some have sports and another work , I also are back on day shift instead of nights now, we had a lot more time back then.
We spent a few hours the park had some thing to eat, and then went on one of the easy 2 km walk trail to the falls, other trails are the Railway Trail which I think is 5 km return trip that takes you to an old tunnel, there is also the 15 km trail which takes you along some parts of the Darling Scarp with fantastic views, more information on the trail in the link above plus some Pamphlets to download or view.
Here is a few images from the our trip there
All images are copyright © 2011 Mark A. Gray all rights reserved
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